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Switching Xcode versions without a password

When switching between multiple Xcode versions one way to globally update the version you want to use is by running xcode-select like this:

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

Then, if you want to automatically accept Xcode's license, and install any extra packages it requires (which should only be required the for the first time you run a new version), you can run:

sudo xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch

This works fine locally, but when updating remote CI machines, entering the password can be troublesome. Furthermore if you want to support having CI machines automatically switch between Xcode versions when testing upcoming changes, you may not have the opportunity to be prompted at all. Lucky for us, the sudoers file format, which configures the sudo command, allows us to skip password entry for specific commands with a bit of configuration.

The easiest way to edit this configuration is by running:

sudo visudo

This opens the default /etc/sudoers configuration file in vim. While we could add our custom configuration here, we can also see the default configuration that ships with macOS contains this line:

#includedir /private/etc/sudoers.d

This tells sudo to load all the files in /etc/sudoers.d1 as configuration as well. Using this knowledge we can nicely separate our custom configuration, making it easier to overwrite, or remove, in the future. Separating our custom configuration also makes us less likely to break the default configuration, potentially leading to major issues.

To setup our custom configuration we can run this command:

echo "%admin ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/xcode-select,/usr/bin/xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/xcode

Let's break this down2. The %admin component makes this configuration apply to all users that are in the admin group3. Using this group is probably good enough for this use case, but if you'd like to restrict this more, you can change this to a your account's specific username such as ksmiley.

The second component ALL makes this rule apply to all hosts, I'm not sure in what context any host besides the current one would take these rules into account, but ALL ignores that.

The third component NOPASSWD is the key piece of this functionality. This enables us to run the following commands without being prompted for our password.

The last component is the commands we want to allow to be run without a password. There are 2 things to note here.

  1. We specify just the xcode-select binary, using the absolute path. This allows all subcommands handled by xcode-select to be run without a password.
  2. The xcodebuild command also contains the one subcommand we want to be able to run without a password. Limiting this is important because otherwise you could run sudo xcodebuild build without a password, which could execute malicious run scripts or do other terrible things. With this argument specified any other invocation of sudo xcodebuild will still require a password.

Just like that we no longer have to enter our password when swapping between Xcode versions.

  1. /etc is actually a symlink to /private/etc, which is why we can use them interchangeably in this case 

  2. For many more format examples checkout the man page 

  3. You can see what groups the current user is in by running groups, but for macOS all administrator accounts are part of this group.